Friday, August 17, 2012

UNfair milk prices

I just don't understand.  Why can't dairy farmers get a good price for their milk?  This seems to be going on all around the world!

Posters from the UK

Dairy farm entrance in the UK
Since there are dairymen reading this blog in other countries, my mom and I started looking on the internet about dairies in the countries of my readers like France and Germany and Russia.  There are articles about farmers protesting and blocking traffic with their tractors.  Farmers have even dumped their milk in the streets in two different countries that we read about.  Just recently there was a post on facebook about dairy farmers FINALLY getting paid more for their products in Australia.  Yea, Australia!!!  I'm glad that someone is finally getting relief.

Smaller dairy farms are dying because they can't afford to stay in business.  Feed is getting more expensive.  Hay prices have skyrocketed.  Providing the cows with a high comfort level is not free.  Employees and equipment are necessary.  All this stuff costs money!

Dairy people take pride in their work.  They care about their animals and the land.  Believe it or not, I even know of a 5,000 cow dairy where they NAME every animal.  They are not just numbers.  I know that dairy people care about more than just making a buck.  Doesn't every person that works that hard deserve to make enough money to not have to worry every day?

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