Friday, August 24, 2012

I'm on the campaign trail!

Last Friday I signed up for Student Council elections and turned in my speech.  At our school, we just run for office.  We don't pick which one.  The number of votes you get decides what office you get.  We are only allowed to post one poster, so I did...with a whole stack of flip pages with different slogans on them!   It's got balloons around the edges, and on election day, I'm going to add a half dozen battery-operated flashing stars!!!

Then my mom and I made a slideshow with music.  It took me TWO days just to pick out the song I wanted to use.  We listened to TONS of music from our iTunes library.  Mom would like one and I would give it a thumbs down.  She liked AC/DC and Queen and Gary Glitter!  Then we would pick a goofy one and laugh like crazy!  Most of them we were just joking about, like "Laffy Taffy" and "The Sabre Dance" and "My Milkshake".  We laughed A LOT.
FINALLY, on the way to school the other day, she asked me what my decision was, and I said, "Never Miss A Beat."  So that's what I've got!  Then mom spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to drop the music file on the show.  She ended up asking a student.  She started explaining it to me, and I had to tell her I already knew that!  She wished I would have told her that earlier.  :)  Love you, Mom!

All the pics were in my mom's iPhoto library.  We just went through and picked ones we liked.  You've probably seen them all on my blog already.   We tried to make a list of my positive qualities.  Most of them have to do with the work I do with dairy and 4-H and stuff.  The slides sat there waiting FOREVER for me to pick out the right song.  My 6th hour teacher played it over the projector for our class.  They liked it so much that they wanted to see it twice!

Today I gave my speech, and we all voted.  Say hello to the new SEVENTH GRADE CLASS SECRETARY!  Woo Hoo!  Thank you!  Thank you very much!

Wait!  There's more!  The other day, I also signed up to run for 4-H office.  I would like to be Vice-President, Reporter, or President.  Elections are at our meeting next month.

Wish me luck on the rest of my campaign trail!

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