Wednesday, July 17, 2013

My new competition

Today I tried out for a new team.  Today was the State Cattle Handling qualifier.  I am hoping for a spot on a three-man team from our school.

We went to Oklahoma State University's Animal Science Building to take a 50 question test and answer some math word problems.  We won't know the test results for a couple of months.  When they get the results, we find out if we have any teams that qualify.  We took nine people from our school - six boys, three girls - four that have tried out to be on a team before and five of us who have never tried out - only two of us are eighth graders, my buddy Jacob and me.  There were all kinds of questions about bovine health and care.  The test was three hours long.  People could come to test any time in those three hours that they wanted.

The teams that qualify for the state competition will have to compete in a physical challenge.  Each team is given two beef.  Each one has to be sorted and moved through a tub and alley and caught in a chute, its temperature taken, shots given, ears tagged, implanted, and a pesticide poured-on.  We also have to make notes on everything we do for the animal.  I think that's about it, but you get the idea.  We also have to do a display board about the beef industry.

I already know that the particular team I'm trying out for will have a Senior, a Junior, and an eighth grader (me).  We have to qualify as a team, I think.  I don't know if a team can be made up of some qualifiers from two different teams or not.  I don't think so.  I also already know that if we qualify, my job on the physical challenge will be to give vaccines by injection.

This is a really big deal.  Only ten teams from Oklahoma will make it into the finals.  I think even the tenth place team members each get $100 and a belt buckle.  There are other prizes, too.  The competition will take place at the Tulsa Farm Show in December.  We are praying for the best!      

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