Sunday, September 9, 2012

The "Jersey Flop"

Aw, come on!

Something REALLY freaks me out...the Jersey Flop.  That's what we call it, anyway.

I hate it when they do that!  My mom explained it to me like this.  It's kind of like when a little kid is cranky and doesn't want to do something and they just go limp like a wet noodle and sink to the floor so hopefully the parent will give up and stop trying to make them do what they aren't in the mood to do right at that moment.  (I did that a couple of times when I was little.)

Carmelita has never done that to me, but that darned old Stopnstare did it to me TWICE!   I tried to get her up.  My mom tried to get her up.  We thought she was going to lay there all day!   That was during the first week I had her.  She's smarter now, and so am I.  I've learned how to avoid the flop.  I've noticed that if she looks like she's going to do it, I just get her attention by jiggling the halter a different direction, and she perks right up.  Actually, now that I think about it, she hasn't even ACTED like she was going to do it for a very long time. :)

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