Magic 8 Ball says: "Signs point to yes."

Mom told me awhile back that I have been recommended for an interview on a Tulsa television station
by the good people with Tulsa State Fair Livestock! They also gave the TV people a link to this blog, and I guess they liked it. They are supposed to contact me, so I have just been waiting to see if it really happens.
I accidentally got on Fox 23 last year at the Tulsa State Fair. They interviewed me about showing dairy and the work that we do with our animals. I was on air for over two minutes!
I'm REALLY excited and kind of nervous about this opportunity. I want to do a good job and answer their questions well, but writing a blog is sure a lot easier than talking to people! If you write an answer, you can think about it for a LONG time. You can also re-write it or edit it or even delete it if you think you sound stupid.
Mom got another email the other day from the media coordinator for the Tulsa State Fair. She confirmed that Fox 23's Great Day Green Country will be contacting us to set up a shoot about me and Posey! The segment would be prerecorded and aired on Prime time, 6 P. M. - 7 P. M. on October 2nd and re-aired at 10 A. M. on October 3rd! OH MY GOODNESS!!!
We have SO many questions!
Will this be at the fair? Will it be in a studio?
What do I wear? I want to look good. Last year I was grungy from doing morning chores at the fair.
Do they want Posey there, or do they just want to talk about her?
Will this be at the fair or before the fair?
What kinds of questions will they ask me?
...and lots more.
Mom said that the Great Day Green Country producer contacted her and we have an appointment for September 11! Mom got to ask her a lot of questions to see what the shoot will be like.
Yea!!! I'm so excited!!!
Mom said that they told her the show is focusing on the Tulsa State Fair and how state fairs got started to begin with...(showing off) and competing with your best livestock, farm products, and baked goods and stuff. (I looked that up on the internet.)
The producer said that they would come from Tulsa to visit me and my animals. The filming will take about an hour and a half. Then they will edit it and air it in October.
We can hardly believe it!
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