June is National Dairy Month and we do dairy things, like go to dairy judging events for all the major breeds.
June 6th was Milking Shorthorn field day held in Cushing. I don't really want to talk about it because we didn't do well. But even so...
Big thanks to Cushing for hosting us all!
We all saw Susan Allen from Dairy Max, and she gave us our new dairy t-shirts!
The next day, however, was a much better day. We went to the Brown Swiss Dairy Field Day in Agra at Bryan Reedy's dairy. Thank you Mr. Reedy!
Eight of us represented our school at this competition, including my friend and OK Brown Swiss Jr. Princess, Diana. We judged five classes, and we ended up having:
the 2nd place 4-H team (that was my team!!!)
the 3rd place FFA team
the 4-H 2nd high individual (my buddy Kasey)
and 3rd high individual PeeWee (my little buddy Savanna)!
Not bad for eight kids.
Then we had a one day break. Monday morning we met at our Ag Farm and cleaned our facility to get ready for our company. We host the Oklahoma Jersey Field Day every year.
Not to be too proud and braggy or anything, but we serve some pretty awesome food, AND not only does Dairy Max provide bottled milk for the day, but we also provide ICE CREAM for everyone while we are awaiting the judging contest results. They are store-bought ice cream treats, but they are GOOD! (I've heard wild rumors that when the Chupp family hosts a field day, they have two flatbed trailers lined with freezers of all kinds of homemade ice cream. I hope those stories are true, and that I get to see for myself.)

OH! And I was re-crowned Oklahoma Ayrshire Jr. Princess!!!
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