*movie, dinner, sightseeing with friends
*lots of tv
*spent the day at a friend's house
*tons of computer
*had a friend over
*"Words with Friends" x a billion
*took a friend to feed
(Got her to touch a heifer...She was TERRIFIED!)
*posted entries on my blog
*ordered two new bales of hay
*cut off the hay net/wraps
*cleaned out the creeper (creep feeder) but we call it the creeper like the big weird monster off Scooby Doo
*got my galoshes stuck in the mud
*smelled worse than I ever have in my entire life (sour feed from clean-out)

*fed/watered landlord's animals and got the mail while she was finishing up OYE
*delivered a load of trees to my MawMaw and GrandDad
*beaned my mom in the head with a basketball-OOPS!
*celebrated Daddy's three weeks of no smoking! WooHoo!!!!
*fell asleep snuggling with my parents
*deep conditioning hair treatment
*picked up sticks in the yard
*talked and texted
*all my regular farm chores
*exchanged some jeans for my daddy (all by myself)
*made plans to order Brown Swiss semen
*watched video of my first premium sale
*bought feed
*bought some other feed
*unloaded in the rain
*moved 750 pounds of grain to storage containers a couple gallons at a time

*didn't have to run as much water because of the rain
*looked at Pinterest
*siliconed a split in the creeper hood
*set out rat bait in the barn
*spray foamed the holes and cracks in the barn...that we know about
*checked fence
*finished reading THE CAY
*read more of the Vampire Stalker
*watched more tv
*finished Vampire Stalker! SO good!!!
*waited until time to do chores again!
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