Friday, June 28, 2013

Posey did it AGAIN!!!

About 45 days after Prim was born last year, Posey got a.i.ed.  That's the normal time.  We used Burdette sexed semen on her again, and she settled the first time!  We still didn't know if it would be a heifer.  There is no guarantee even with sexed semen.  

Posey was due on June 24th.  The night of the Super Moon, June 23rd, she started discharging and stretching and walking over and over.  The continued this behavior on the 24th, too.  This time with about double the discharge.


Last night, June 25th, MawMaw called us about 10:15 and said that she could see the sack peeking out of the back of Posey, and she was standing up.  


With no traffic, we jetted over to their house in about fifteen minutes.

  When we got there, the calf was already on the ground and Posey was cleaning it up very aggressively. When we first shined the headlights on them, the calf was lying on its neck twisted very strangely.  We figure Posey had the calf while she was standing up, and that's how it landed.  It was wiggling its ears and we could hear it breathing, but the position it was lying in was scary.  Mom had me jump in and re-position the calf so it was lying normally.

The calf has less white on it than Posey and Prim do, but it's got that cute little white arrow on its forehead like its mom and sis.  This calf and Prim are full siblings because we used the same sire, Burdette, on Posey for both pregnancies.

 You could still hear it still had fluid when it breathed.  It crackled a lot.  It coughed stuff up, too.  I wiped its nose and mouth to pull out as much of that gunk as possible.  I worked on the front end a little while Posey worked on everything else.

Posey was acting different from when she had Prim, so we were very careful to watch and make sure she didn't decide to charge us or throw us against the stock panels.  She didn't try anything, but it's always better to be safe than sorry.  If a cow charges you and knocks you down, and you don't get out of there, it can beat you to death with its head.  We've read about it.  

We were just DYING to roll the calf over and "inspect the plumbing."  You can't count your heifers until you can count the teats underneath!

We didn't have a name picked out for sure.  We had lots of ideas, of course.  We decided on the way over that if it turned out to be a bull, we would name him "Por que" which means "WHY?"  As in WHY does it have to be a bull?!?!

FINALLY, Posey relaxed a little, and we loved on her a little, and mom was able to grab one of the calf's hind legs and take a peek.  Little pink TEATS!!! Yea!!!

 She's a cutie.  She's also got these really cool crescent shapes on both of her flanks.

I like to think of the one on her leading side as a "C" - like she was monogrammed just for me from God.

Momma and baby were both really worn out.  They both needed a rest during the clean up portion of the evening.

We had to put a rope halter on Posey to get her up.  We didn't want to push around on her any.  Poor gal had been through enough.  As soon as I tugged on the halter, she popped up.  I tied her to a stock panel, and then we went to work guiding little butt into the right position and showing her how to latch on.  She was a slow starter, but finally, she just went to town.  Posey scared us at first because she did a LOT of dancing around and stamped one leg twice.  I stayed behind the calf, and mom leaned against Posey and rubbed her side and slowly slid her hand down her side and onto the top of Posey's udder, then down to the nearest teat, and got the milk flowing from each teat.  We were ready to jump away from her at any minute in case she started kicking, but everything was cool.  Posey hardly moved.  Little butt, on the other hand, was typical.  She would get within an inch, and she would sull up, or lunge, or something.  Talk about sore muscles!  Crouching down, leaning, holding, really wears you out, and can make you cramp up.  We had to take some rest breaks, too.

In the beginning, little butt almost acted like she was too tired to stand up and eat, but once we got her latched on long enough to get some milk in her tummy, you could just see her getting more and more perky.

I can hardly wait to go see her this morning!  MORE PICTURES!!!

Posey will go to the dairy tomorrow so she can get taken care of.  Unlike last year, Posey seems to have avoided mastitis.  Last year she had three quarters of her udder affected.  When mom hand-milked Posey last night, there were no signs of clumping.  We were lucky since the flies have been so bad.

We've got Carmelita lined up to be Perriwinkle's nurse.  Actually, we are thinking of calling Perriwinkle "Winki".  We will be doing a lot of work the next two days.
We need to:
manage the last three feedings between Posey and Winki
move Posey from Cedar Hill to the dairy
move Winki to Carmelita's pen at Windy Hill
pull the calf shed over to the end of the heifer pens
make a pen around the front of the heifer shed, making it like a calf hutch
pull Cupcake from Carmelita's pen and put her into the calf hutch
manage Cupcake's weaning
probably give Tornado an injection to clear up a cough she has developed

It's going to be a busy time.
I'm ready to get this stuff DONE!


Monday, June 24, 2013

The REAL reason you should drink your milk...

Learn from Mr. Miller's mistakes.  DRINK MILK!!!

Posey's got calving on her mind!

Looks like the Super Moon didn't do what we were hoping.  I was imagining Posey just spitting that little calf out lickety split.  Instead, Posey's just moving along as scheduled.  Last night she started discharging and spent all night/morning lying, stretching, pushing, walking, pushing, stretching, pushing.

We are hopeful that it is a heifer.  We used sexed Burdette semen on her.  She settled with it the first time and she had Prim, but she was a heifer then.  Now since she's a cow, it's surprising that she settled the first time AND with sexed semen.  Someone told me that they knew of two bulls that were born from the Burdette sexed semen to the same owner.  So there is never a guarantee with sexed semen, especially with cows.

We are also hopeful that it is a heifer because Posey is calving on time.  If she were a week late or so, we would be thinking it is a bull.  They say that bulls arrive late most of the time.

We're just praying that Posey has a healthy heifer calf that THRIVES!

So today is going to be interesting.  We will have to go check on her.  I know it sounds goofy, but  I'll probably check on her with binoculars.  I don't want to disturb her process.  She needs to get this done.  Who knows how long this will take.  We may be up all night.  Time will tell.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Super Moon Calf???

I'm waiting on Posey to pop!  She's due the 24th, but the SUPER MOON is coming on the 23rd...I just wonder.

If she is born under the super moon, I just know my mom is going to call her "Moon Baby" no matter what I name her.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

2013 National Guernsey Convention in Oklahoma

Check out this link for great coverage of the fun activities at the Guernsey Convention!

Flavor Face-off Week 3

Good news:  It looks like voting is working from all smartphones, now.

Bad news:  They said that voting responses are down for the week, so we need your help in picking up more votes for Oklahoma and BRAUM'S!

The regional contest is four weeks long, so please vote each week.  Let's make OKLAHOMA the regional and NATIONAL winner!

Tattooed Ladies

After the Jersey Field Day was over, we had to tear everything down, load it up, haul it away, and unload it where it belonged...but the day was not over for me.

Next we had to do chores at Windy Hill.  While we were there, Alan needed help catching and loading up three Milking Shorthorn heifers.  Then we had to catch up my little heifers so he could give them their tattoos.

It's pretty fast.  Doesn't take much longer to tattoo a calf's ear than it does to pierce a person's ears.
Love my girls!  I want to make sure they can be identified wherever they go.  Wouldn't want to lose one!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Week 3 Voting

Click on this link to vote for BRAUM'S chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream in the national flavor face-off.

I hope that you can get your friends and family to vote, too.  Thanks for your support.


Another calf for Carmelita?

Carmelita got a.i.ed the other day.  We used Hired Gun sexed semen on her.  Can't wait to see if it took!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Check out my competition...and ME!

Check out all the Flavor Face-off PARTICIPANTS

2013 Flavor Faceoff

What has two thumbs and is representing Braum's chocolate-chip cookie dough in the national flavor contest?  THIS GIRL!

They want ME to speak?!?!?!

I didn't post this before, but I guess I'll put it on here now.

Just got a mind-blowing email.
I've been asked to Skype in to talk to a group of dairy campers in IDAHO!  Even more crazy than that is the fact of the other speaker I am paired with...GREG PETERSON OF THE PETERSON BROTHERS!  You know, "I'm farming, and I grow it!"  He's been on Good Morning America and stuff!  He's spoken/performed at the NATIONAL FFA CONVENTION for goodness sakes!  He's world famous and talented!  (Fangirl moment...smiling tear)
Anyway, I can't even imagine talking to the same group as him.

Lieutenant Dan knows his ice cream


Vote and you could win $100!

It's Round 2 of the Flavor Face-off!
Here's all you have to do to vote:
You will vote for one flavor in each of the four regions.  You will cast a total of four votes on the ballot each week.

They will ask for your name and your email address at the end.  (It is to use to notify prize winners each week AND the $100 winning voter at the end of the contest.)  You may only vote once per week in the preliminaries throughout the month of June.  The finalists will run-off in July (national ice cream month).

Click on the link to VOTE.

Thank you for your support.   I hope one of you wins that $100!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

FFA Banquet - May 2013

This year was my first year as an official ag student.  This was also my first year to be any sort of part of the FFA banquet.  I applied for the Outstanding 7th Grader award.  It's the only award my age can apply for.

I didn't get it.

I wasn't surprised.  The boy who won it is the person I believed earned it.  I believed that even before I filled out my application.

The boy that won is my friend, Jacob.  He wasn't even going to apply.  I hounded him for days about applying.  After my application was turned in, I got out my computer and told him I would help him.  We almost got in trouble from Ms. Jennings.  She thought I was doing it for him.  We promised her I wasn't.  We explained that I was asking him questions and he was telling me what to write.  She was good with that, but I think she might have still kept an eye on us.

That night at the banquet, I was so thrilled for him when they called his name!  He has put in so many hours helping with the elementary kids in the FFA Shadows program all year long.  He's a good worker, too.

Even though I really wanted this award, I am just as happy for Jacob as I would have been for myself.  If I hadn't pestered him into filling out the application, and if I had won, I would have never believed that I earned it.  This way it was fair and square.  The better man won, and I'm good with that.  Of course, I also feel proud for having a hand in him turning in an application.

My family is really proud of what I did.  They are so proud, in fact, that my parents volunteered to buy the Outstanding 7th Grader their first FFA official dress jacket...this year for Jacob...and for each year's winner from now on.  The only thing they ask for is a photo of the recipient in their complete official dress once the jacket arrives.  I think it's pretty cool.

I can hardly wait to get our jackets.  We are also definitely taking a group photo the day we get them out of the package in class!  Just two more months and we can get measured for them!  Yea!  

"Give a Pint, Get a Pint"

"Give a Pint, Get a Pint"...of course, in my Irish ancestors' homeland, this would be a totally different promotion than the one I took part in. = )

I spent some time yesterday at the Edmond location of the Oklahoma Blood Institute helping with the "Give a Pint, Get a Pint" promotion.  I greeted people and handed out pints of milk, ice cream cups, healthy dairy recipe books, these limited production red shirts, squishy stress cows, and thanks to each person who came to donate blood.

They projected to perform 125 procedures.
They had 261 people register to give.
202 people we able to give blood! (They actually had a needle in their arm and gave a product of blood.)
7 folks were first-time donors because of the promotion! (They’ve never seen them at OBI before!)
202-125= 77 people (62%) over their projected goal for the day because you all are awesome!!!
“Since 202 people were able to give DairyMax and the milk producers of Oklahoma helped save up to 606 lives yesterday!!!! Pretty awesome numbers if you ask me! It is partners like DairyMax that help support the community blood supply and our life-saving mission throughout the year.”

It was great to be part of a promotion that will help save lives.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Hello, Idaho!

I'm very honored to have been asked to speak to a group of Idaho 4-H Dairy Campers, but I am going to be out of town at a dairy event myself.  I will be at the Oklahoma Ayrshire and Milking Shorthorn Dairy Field Day, so since I couldn't Skype in, I offered to create an imovie.

My farm name is Godbless Dairy Enterprises.  God has given me everything and blessed me in every way.  I have gone from one heifer to eight in four years.  He blesses me every day with those animals and every other thing I have in my life.  I want people to know it and for Him to be given the glory for all successes.

There is a little bit of everything in this presentation:  baby pictures, shameless dairy promotion, adorable heifers, and a real quick fangirl moment in honor of the Peterson Brothers.

I wish I had more time to work on it.  I've been gone A LOT the past three weeks.
If you have any questions, you can comment at the bottom of this post, and I'll answer you back.
Thanks for having me.
P.S. 4-H is great, not only for showing livestock.  Personally, I am involved in:  Shooting Sports (air rifle), Food Science/Nutrition, Photography, Impressive Dress, Prepared Speeches, Extemporaneous Speaking, Web Page Design, Farmhand Olympics, Judging, Arts/Crafts, Flyers/Posters/Brochures/Working Displays, Cake/Pie Contests, Share the Fun (Talent), Food Showdown, Powerpoint/Keynote Presentation, and probably some other stuff that I'm going to feel stupid for forgetting.  Get involved!  See what 4-H has for you!    

Hello, Idaho!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

PTD Post: June 2013 - Promoting Dairy Like a Wild Woman in JUNE!

June 2013:  What has been your favorite dairy promotion? (Could be one that you have participated in, one that you attended and/or one that you read about and would like to try to do someday.) What did you like about it? 
Oh, this one is an easy question!  THE FLAVOR FACE-OFF is definitely my favorite dairy promotion!   For those readers who don’t know, the Face-off happens each year during June, National Dairy Month.  People from the four regions of the United States nominate their favorite brand and flavor.  They promote it through Progressive Dairyman and Proud To Dairy and Facebook.  They get people to vote for their flavor, and the most votes wins.  The fun part is the promotion part.  I’m SO EXCITED to be a competitor this year!  I learned about it last year and voted.  I knew then that I wanted to be part of it this year.  So I waited all year, nominated Braum’s Chocolate-ChipCookie Dough Ice Cream, and I got selected!

Each year the promotion requirements are something different.  There’s a really cute video on the website from the first Face-off four years ago when people from the magazine held ice cream cone shaped masks in front of their faces. 
Campaigning is getting REALLY high tech now.  This year contestants had to lip sync to a parody of Vanilla Ice’s “Ice Ice Baby” which is now “Ice Cream Baby”.  We had one month to get it filmed and uploaded.      
Since I'm an ice cream GANGSTER, I kidnapped two of my friends one afternoon, and they helped me dance and run around the country to film in different locations:  in the truck, in a yard, on a tractor, with my heifers, on my GrandDad’s Ranger, on round bales, and in front of the Braum’s sign.
We also had to answer some interview questions about who we are, our connection to dairy, and basically why people should vote for us and our flavors.  Then I started writing some promotional blog posts to put on the Proud To Dairy site.  I get kind of wound-up when I go after something.  I get kind of crazy.  You can tell that I'm an ice cream FANATIC by my answers, but even if you don't read my answers, you can tell by the look in my eye.  After I got the "Ice Cream Baby" video clips uploaded, I started on some movie parody videos.  Forest Gumpwas a perfect fit!
Then I made some contacts to my friends and asked them to vote.  After that I guess you could say that I went on the campaign trail.  I traveled/am traveling across the great state of Oklahoma to promote the Flavor Face-off at each of the state Dairy Field Days and ask for everyone to support me and Braum's Chocolate-Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream.  I'm "shakin' hands and kissin' babies" trying to get as many votes as possible!  I'm sure it doesn't hurt to tell them that there will be weekly winners of VOTERS and in the end, one lucky VOTER will be given a $100 GIFT CARD!
If you are lucky enough to have access to a Braum's Ice Cream and Dairy Store, get in your car, go to Braum's and buy yourself a scoop of my favorite ice cream, taste the happiness, and you will know why I am such a CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE DOUGH ICE CREAM FANATIC!   If you truly love your family, bring them some home, too!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Vote in the 2013 FLAVOR FACE-OFF

Please vote for ME and BRAUM'S CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE DOUGH ICE CREAM in the 2013 Flavor Face-off! One voter will win $100.

Directions: You can only vote once each week. Cast a vote for one of your favorite flavors in EACH of the 

four regions of the United States. 

In the Southwest, please vote for Maddie Cook and Braum's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream.

Each vote you cast makes you eligible for a $100 drawing at the end of the contest.

After you vote for all four regions, you will ONLY be asked for your first and last name and your email

address. (Just to make sure you are only voting once.) Please vote and please share this. Thanks!